Sunday, June 15, 2014

Crooked Claw Goblins WIP

It's been awhile so to tide you over until a proper post here are some Oldhammer goblins I'm painting at the moment. Kev Adams sculpts available from Crooked Claw. Picked up the whole range to date awhile back and am really glad I did—huge variety, beautiful sculpts and beautiful castings!

Edit: Oh, and I was reminded in the comments I wanted to say about the painting: I often I paint straight dark to light over black primer but here I brush painted a white undercoat over the skin first and did the classic goblin green, ink wash and then my normal highlight procedure. I made up a custom batch of very yellow-green highlight for the purpose as it's a color not like any of seen in a range. Sounds fiddly but I wanted to see if I could get extra pop, and it's actually less work overall than what I was doing... going through many intermediate shades. Also less work than "zenithal" airbrush, which less chance of overs-praying the chainmail. Simple, old school stuff I guess.

Speaking of which, I can clearly remember in an old Citadel painting guide the black prime then white over the flesh being demonstrated on a Marauder dwarf iron breaker. And now some of you are recalling it too I bet. ;)

As always, the collection can be viewed in its entirety at flickr.


  1. Nice work on the Goblins, I like the blending of the pink and green on the flesh. The Crooked Claw Goblins are fun to paint.

    1. Thanks! BTW you can see me trying one more subdued skin tone on the right... that's directly because of all the varied goblins in your collection. I'm more at home with the bilious green look, but it's good to try something new.

  2. Excellent highlighting on your goblins!

  3. That skin tone really does 'pop'. I'm gonna pick up some of the wolf rider with bows from this range when funds/time allows.

    1. Thanks! That reminds me I meant to say often I paint straight dark to light over black primer but here I brush painted a white undercoat over the skin first and did the classic goblin green, ink wash and then my normal highlight procedure. I made up a custom batch of very yellow-green highlight for the purpose as it's a color not like any of seen in a range. Sounds fiddly but I wanted to see if I could get extra pop, and it's actually less work overall than what I was doing... going through many intermediate shades. Anyway, glad it shows!

  4. Hey Spooktalker, shared this in another (old old thread)--so didn't know if you had seen it or not. If you don't feel comfortable (or don't want to share your colors), no biggy--but thought I would ask!

    Hi, just saw your incredible Extreme Mauler on CMON. Any chance you can share what P3 colors you used for the skintone/rocks? Thanks and terrific looking stuff!

    1. Hi Ryan,

      Thanks, glad you like the troll! Just seeing your note about it now. Yeah, I have those colors written down and I'll try to remember to post them when I get home.

    2. Here are my notes:

      base: thamar black + p3 greycoat grey
      add gw regal blue to p3 greycoat grey
      for saturated points, add gw enchanted blue (strong)
      highlight by adding p3 cryx bane highlight to regal blue + greycoat grey

      for hands, feet, head, etc.
      add khador red base and khador red highlight to greycoat grey

      base: black
      vallejo red black
      gw snakebite leather
      vallejo light grey

      base: black
      gw bestial brown
      gw snakebite leather
      vallejo light grey

      vallejo leather brown
      p3 bootstrap leather
      p3 jack bone
      vallejo light grey +white

  5. Really liking that green! Which ink did you wash them with? I've used your dark to light method before, did you use the same colors for the highlights?

  6. Thanks for the color guide! Just saw your pGrissel sculpting on CMON, do you accept commissions?
