One thing I learned while writing this post is that these were sculpted by Trish Carden (formerly Morrison). There's an attribution on a color catalog spread. Seeing this, I went back to find attributions for the rest of the range, and I found what I think shows the first 29 figures in the range attributed to Aly Morrison. I couldn't find attribution for later figures such as the Talisman Dungeon group, but I am interested in learning. Anyone know?
Talisman Archeologist
Talisman Archeologist
Talisman Archeologist
Very pleased with how the archeologist turned out and think I drew a good bead on the colors from the illustration. I like having good reference to work from and for someone to have already thought through the colors. Sometimes I'm held up on starting a figure as I decide on colors. It also makes a game of it. How close I can hit the mark with the paints I have. I painted the hat last and with a coat of GW Charadon Granite, it struck a chord with the other three main colors and I knew I had it. Citadel Spearstaff Brown, which is a dull yellow, not brown, is another favorite color that worked great here. As a base for yellows it can't be beat and I'll be seeking this out from Coat'd'Arms when I run out, but still have some left and going strong more than 25 years after purchase!
Talisman Scientist
Talisman Scientist
Talisman Scientist
I made two small modifications to the Scientist. First, I bulked out the back of his head as it lacked bulk along that axis. Next, I made temples for the glasses made from very thin wire (very, very thin wire). Not too much else to say. I followed all the colors of the illustration per usual.