Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quick preview of recently painted monsters

Meatier posts than this one are in the works but for now I'd like to make do with a quick preview of some figs I finished earlier this year. I plan to give all these the full treatment when I can. Really happy to be able to add several encounters to the wondering monsters table!

Miniatures I finished in January, 2012

Pictured are some Grenadier lizardmen, Minifigs kobolds, Otherworld bugbears, an Otherworld minotaur, a Minifigs Iron Maiden, a Grenadier wight, and a Wizards of the Coast dragon. Yup, that's a prepaint knobrot!


  1. Nice job! Those look great! It's surprising how such diverse ranges work so well together.

    1. Thanks! It is funny with Monsters. I find many of the Otherworld figs too big for my 25mm collection, but many others work great, like these bugbears. Many 25mm bugbears are too small. On the flip side, these old Grenadier Lizardmen are big enough to work in either scale as well. They are 36mm to the top of the head. And that "Large Green Dragon" from Wizards of the Coast is in fact a small dragon even in 25mm. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Really nice work on those. I'm not familiar with the Grenadier lizardmen but they look fabulous.

  4. Some sweet conversion work on the lizard men. Love the iron maiden -- is that Minifigs?

    1. Late reply, sorry... yeah, Minifigs, and it was available from GFI until recently went they stopped trading.

  5. That Minotaur really hangs dong.

    Sorry to use your blog to entertain DoomsDay.
    They all look fantastic, and I'm really scared on behalf of my poor, half-way-to-second-level Paladin and his pals.
